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-Providing Excellent Footcare Services Across East Anglia-
Welcome to Pods Footcare Specialists!
We are a team of footcare specialists. Founded by Judy Suter, BSc (pod med) FPSPract Chiropodist/Podiatrist in 2003.
We have since grown with the addition of Jessica Suter, BSc (hons) DipCFHP, MPSPract Foot Health Practioner in 2018, Sarah Wright MAFHP HCFHP DipFH Foot Health Practitioner in 2023.
As well as general foot care, Judy and Jessica also specialise in Biomechanics to treat ailments that affect the kinetic chain. This helps to improve mobility and stability in the body after injury, inherited musculoskeletal conditions, and mechanical changes.
You can find us in-clinic at 5 The Walk, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 9AJ. Email:, or call us at: 01502 711096
Meet the Team
Judy Suter Chiropodist/Podiatrist

Sarah Wright Foot Health Practitioner

Jessica Suter Foot Health Practitioner/Biologist

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